Omega 3 Algae Oil: Your Ticket to Better Health

The common adage is ‘health is wealth’.  When you are fit and fine, you can enjoy life and have the energy to get involved in lots of activities. On the other hand, if you are not healthy enough, you will lose out on so many life experiences, so it is beneficial to know about nutrients that can enrich your health to a significant extent. Essential Fatty Acids, also known as Omega-3s, play a vital role in building and keeping one’s body healthy.  They are the key structure of every cell wall you have.  They are also an energy source and keep your heart, lungs, blood vessels and immune system working the way they should.

Omega-3, in particular DHA,is one such nutrient is that you should look for as your body cannot make it itself and relies on supplementation to get what it requires.

Benefits from Omega 3s

The essential fatty acids are important for improving and maintaining your eye health, skin health and even your stress and anxiety levels. You can include fish in your meals which will provide you with some Omega3s but the very best way to get these vital essential fatty acids is from plant based omega 3 supplements made from Algae Oil.  Fish do not make Omega-3, they eat microalgae, that is why they have a high Omega-3 fatty acid content.  Free Spirit Group produces mega Omega algae oil omega 3 that provides the highest potency of Omega-3 in its purest form at an affordable price.  A regular intake of the recommended serving of mega Omega will help you experience a remarkable improvement with your health.

Nutritional Advice

Your nutritionist or other health care professional may have recommended that you supplement your diet with Omega 3s and may have suggested you take fish oil.  However, fish oil may not be a preferred option for many, especially for those who are vegan or simply want to avoid the negative aspects of fish oil like heavy metals, chemical contaminants or unsustainable and environmental concerns.

Particular Foods That Have Omega 3

The body cannot make Omega 3 so it must obtain it from dietary or supplementary sources. There are a number ofplant foods such as flax, hemp and chia seeds that contain omega 3, however it is in the form of ALA which does not even come close to supplying what the body needs. Fish oil and Krill oil do provide Omega 3 in the form of DHA and EPA, which can service the body’s requirements but this source is not necessarily the cleanest,strongest potency, sustainable and ecologically sound product. By taking mega Omega Algae Oil, you can safely get your adequate Omega-3 supply in its purest form, of thehighest strength and without any harm to marine life or the environment. The product is supplied in liquid or vegan capsules and can conveniently be ordered online.

What You Should Look For.

There are specific things that you should look for when you buying and Omega-3 supplement which can usually be found on the product packaging or on a company’s website.  Some of these are:

·         Check the ingredients. Avoid products that are diluted and loaded with Omega-6 (seed oils such as sunflower) as this can inhibit the effectiveness of Omega-3

·         Check the quantity of DHA, the most important Omega-3.  A 2:1 ratio of DHA/EPA indicates that the algae has been modified - natural Chromista algae isvery high in DHA and low EPA

·         Make sure the recommended serving size provides adequate DHA. You should start with a high dose daily (1000mg DHA) to build up your DHA levels and then reduce to a lower dose (750mg DHA) for maintenance. Some products suggest inadequate serving sizesin order to offer more serves per bottle and appear more economical

·       Make sure the product is from an ethical, well respected and reputable company

Check out the Supplier’s Website

It is always a good idea to have a look at a product supplier’s websiteso that you canread about what is on offer.  A supplier should be transparent and happy to provide comprehensive information regarding their product. Companies that avoid disclosure and transparency, usually have something to hide.

It is Easy to Place an Order

It doesn’t take much time or effect to place an online order for mega Omega Algae Oil Omega 3 supplement. The steps are simple and the payment is secure.

Read the Reviews

When you purchase the supplement from a reputable online seller, customer reviews can provide insights about the benefits you may expect from regular intake of the supplement. These reviews might help yougain confidence to place an online order. 

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