The Ultimate Omega 3 Guide for Vegans DHA supplement


 Amongst the broad spectrum of nutrition required for a healthy human body, the Omega-3 happens to be quite indispensable. The human body is unable to make this nutrient and hence requires its intake from external sources. There is no fixed maximum limit to which you can take this nutrient but it is often said that no amount is actually an overdose when had from natural sources. Omega 3 comes in three main types – ALA, EPA and DHA. Out of all the types DHA happens to be the most important type that contributes to the health of the human body.

DHA for vegans

Omega 3 is attainable out of vegan sources like flax seeds, walnuts and soybeans. However all these different types of sources are rich in ALA Omega 3 fatty acid? However this is a type of the fatty acid that cannot be used by the body straight away. The body needs to convert ALA into DHA or EPA format. Between the two DHA happens to be more effective in protecting against brain and cardiac problems. As a vegan if you are looking for proper vegan DHA supplement then nuts, algae and seeds are the most appropriate sources. Out of all these sources algae happens to be the most effective source of Omega 3 fatty acids. The algae oil is considered to be the most effective in developing great quality supplements of the nutrient.

Cruelty free

Brands like Free Spirit can offer you quality vegan DHA supplement that is completely cruelty free. In most cases the DHA supplements are made from fish extracts. This means that a huge volume of fish is sourced every year to make the required amount of Mega 3 supplements. This is a highly expensive process and also taxes the aquatic marine life. The massive amount of fishes caught and pulled out of the waters of the world creates a huge imbalance in the aquatic arena. This can really disrupt the balance in the environmental system. As a result the other species in the food chain can be made to suffer. Further it can be a really expensive affair.

Better vegan sources

Research has proven the point that the algae available beneath the water are the best source of omega 3 fatty acid. In fact fishes attain Omega 3 after feeding on these algae. Since they derive Omega 3 out of the food chain often they turn out to be weak sources themselves. Hence it is better to draw the nutrient from the water algae. The omega 3 content is much higher in these supplements. They happen to provide a greater benefit to the human body.

Look at the composition

While shopping for these supplements take a careful look at the composition of the supplement. Anything that is below 19 the quality will be considered really low. Supplements that are made out of water algae often has a much higher omega 3 content than the ones which are made out of fish extracts.

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