How To Select The Best Fish Oil Supplement
A lot of people out
there want to locate the best supplements for omega-3-rich fish oil available
in the market these days. If you seek the same thing, then you need to know
that there are more options out there than you can count. Researchers and
nutritionists invest a significant amount of time researching what makes a
perfect omega-3 supplement. Here you’ll learn about the most important factors
that deserve your attention while picking the best supplement.
Quality of the product: Both researchers and the people who take these
supplements suggest looking for high-quality products. In reality, they believe
that the quality of a product is the most important factor. After all, when you
take something in your body that will affect your health, you can’t make the
mistake of “cutting corners.” In that
regard, vegan
fish oil from is one of the best in the
The source:
The so-called vegan fish oil is
nothing more than oil extracted from algae. This product is as effective on
vegans as fish on non-vegetarians. However, if you want to use genuine fish
oil, make sure the manufacturers of the product use cold water ocean fish for
the purpose. Farm-raised variants don’t have enough omega-3 in them.
Additionally, you should keep an eye out for fish oil supplements manufactured
from small, oil-rich fishes, such as sardines, mackerels, anchovies, and the
like. Larger fishes occupy a higher spot on the food chain, which means they
have too many pollutants and impurities in them.
High concentration: Why do you want to take supplements? You wish to use
them to add more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet, right? So, it makes sense to
look for products with a high concentration of this substance. You should buy
something that combines EPA and DHA omega fats in an amount of at least 1400
milligrams per serving. Products with less concentration won’t have enough
health benefits for you.
The form:
Triglyceride variants of omega-3 fish supplements are much better than the
common ester ethyl variants. There’s no point introducing more scientific
jargon here. In simple words, triglycerides are present in natural fish oil
products. It means your body can absorb the fatty acids easily. Researchers
also have evidence to prove that triglyceride fish oil supplements are almost
50% more bio-available to your cells than the ester ethyl-based products.
However, triglyceride supplements are more expensive because the manufacturing
process is quite a complicated one.
If possible, you should try to get your hands on a flavored product. It can
have the essence of lemons or something else. Strong flavors can help you
neutralize the fishy after-taste you experience after taking fish-based omega-3
supplements. Also, in most instances, cheaper products exhibit an almost
unbearable fishy odor and taste. Highly purified products are entirely devoid
of this issue.
Finally, you should
consider purchasing a molecularly distilled product to eliminate most or all
the heavy metals and contaminants present in fishes caught from oceans. You
also need to make sure that the manufacturing company has the approval of the
food and drug governing body of the country.